
Many people provided their invaluable support to make this book possible:


Susan Conant, our development editor at Manning, who supported us in so many ways: by providing valuable feedback on draft chapters, helping to plan book and individual chapter structures, giving encouragement, advising us on upcoming steps, helping us overcome bumps in the road, and so on Jettro Coenradie, our technical editor, who helped us review big chunks of the manuscript before it went to production and again helped with the final steps before the book went to press

Susan Conant,Manning 的项目编辑, 在很多地方给了我们支持:通过草稿章节提供很有用的反馈,帮助我们规划此书和章节,给我们激励,对接下来的步骤给我们建议,一路上帮助我们克服障碍等等。Jettro Coenradie, 我们的技术编辑, 在印刷前帮我们审查大量的手稿,在这本书出版前,在最后的步骤又再次帮我们。

Valentin Crettaz, who helped with his thorough technical proofread Valentin Crettaz 帮助彻底技术校对。

Our Manning Early Access Program (MEAP) readers who posted so many helpful comments in the Author Online forum

MEAP(Manning Early Access Program)的读者在作者在线(Author Online) 社区提供了太多有帮助的意见。

The reviewers from the development process who provided such good feedback that I can’t even begin to imagine how the book would look without them: Achim Friedland, Alan McCann, Artur Nowak, Bhaskar Karambelkar, Daniel Beck, Gabriel Katenbaumn, Gianluca Rhigetto, Igor Motov, Jeelani Shaik, Joe Gallo, Konstantin Yakushev, Koray Güclü, Michael Schleichardt, Paul Stadig, Ray Lugo Jr., Sen Xu, and Tanguy Leroux

写作过程中 reviewers 提供了太多非常好的反馈,如果没有他们,我都没法想象这本书将会是怎样,他们是:Achim Friedland, Alan McCann, Artur Nowak, Bhaskar Karambelkar, Daniel Beck, Gabriel Katenbaumn, Gianluca Rhigetto, Igor Motov, Jeelani Shaik, Joe Gallo, Konstantin Yakushev, Koray Güclü, Michael Schleichardt, Paul Stadig, Ray Lugo Jr., Sen Xu, and Tanguy Leroux


I’d like to express my thanks in chronological order. To my colleagues from Avira: Mihai Sandu, Mihai Efrim, Martin Ahrens, Matthias Ollig and many others, for supporting me in learning about Elasticsearch and tolerating my not-always-successful experiments. To my colleagues from Sematext: Otis Gospodnetić, who supported me in learning and interacting with the community, and Rafał Kuć (aka Master Rafał) for his invaluable tips and tricks. Finally, I’d like to thank my family for supporting me in so many ways that I can barely scratch the surface here: my parents, Nicoleta and Mihai Gheorghe, and my in-laws, Maădaălina and Adrian Radu, for providing good food, quiet spaces, and the all-important moral support. My wife Alexandra, for being a real hero: she somehow managed to write her own stuff and still take care of everything in order for me to write. Last but not least, my son Andrei, now 6, for his understanding and his creative solutions on spending time together, like working on his own book next to me.

我想按顺序表达我的感谢。我在小红伞(Avira)的同事:Mihai Sandu, Mihai Efrim, Martin Ahrens, Matthias Ollig 和其他人,支持我学习 Elasticsearch 包容我不总是成功的实验。致 Sematext 的同事:Otis Gospodnetić,支持我学习和在社区上互动,Rafał Kuć (aka Master Rafał) 他给我提供宝贵的技巧和窍门。最终我要感谢我的家人在很多方面给我的支持,我简单说说:我的父母 Nicoleta 、Mihai Gheorghe 和我的亲家 Maădaălina Adrian Radu,为我提供了好吃的和宁静的空间。我的妻子 Alexandra 是一个真正的英雄


First and foremost I’d like to give my sincerest thanks to my wife Delilah for encouraging me in this endeavor and for being my adventuring partner. You have given me so much support in this and so many other parts of my life. Thank you for continuing to encourage me throughout the birth of our daughter, Vera Ovelia. I’d also like to thank all of the people who have contributed to Elasticsearch. Without you, open source software would not be possible. I’m honored to contribute to such a wide-reaching and powerful piece of software.


I would like to thank my daughters Olivia and Isabella, my son Jacob, and my wife Roberta, for standing beside me throughout my career and acting as a source of inspiration and motivation. You guys make the impossible possible with your support, love, and understanding.