B.5. Removing or updating plugins

If you decide you no longer want to have a plugin installed, you can remove the plugin using bin/plugin -r or bin/plugin --remove followed by the name of the plugin. For example, to remove the elasticsearch-analysis-icu plugin you installed in the earlier section, you’d use the code shown in the following listing.

Listing B.7. Removing the analysis-icu plugin

Updating plugins uses this same functionality, but there’s no upgrade option on the plugin tool. Instead, to

update a plugin you must remove the old version and then install the version you want. To upgrade the elasticsearch-head plugin, you’d run bin/plugin --remove head followed by bin/plugin --install mobz/elasticsearch-head.

As you can see, managing plugins is easy with Elasticsearch’s included plugin script. For a list of helpful plugins managed by both Elastic and the community, check out the following URL: www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/modules-plugins.html#known-plugins.