List of Tables

Chapter 1. Introducing Elasticsearch

Table 1.1. Inverted index for blog tags

Chapter 3. Indexing, updating, and deleting data

Table 3.1. Elasticsearch core field types

Table 3.2. Default settings for _id and _type fields

Chapter 4. Searching your data

Table 4.1. bool query clause types

Table 4.2. Range query parameters

Table 4.3. Which type of query to use for general use cases

Chapter 5. Analyzing your data

Table 5.1. Comparing stemming of snowball, porter stem, and kstem

Chapter 7. Exploring your data with aggregations

Table 7.1. Metrics aggregations and typical use cases

Table 7.2. Multi-bucket aggregations and typical use cases

Chapter 8. Relations among documents

Table 8.1. Nested type options

Chapter 10. Improving performance

Table 10.1. Which filters use bitsets