^ (caret)

_ (underscore)

? wildcard

  • wildcard

& (ampersand) 1-grams


aggregations key algorithmic stemming _all field, 2nd

Amazon S3 plugin ampersand (&) analyzed fields analyzed setting, 2nd analyzer parameter Apache Flume

Apache Lucene

Apache ManifoldCF Apache Solr

application-side joins arc option


ascii folding token filter


best_compression value Bigdesk plugin bigrams bitsets, 2nd bool filter bool query, 2nd boolean type boost parameter boost_mode parameter


checking cluster health

CPU monitoring

hot_threads API slow index log slow logs slow query log

thread pools

memory monitoring

avoiding swap

circuit breaker field-data cache filter and field cache heap size OS caches

store throttling bounding boxes breadth_first option bucket aggregations bulk indexing


_cache flag _cache setting cache thread pool type

caret ( ^ )

_cat API CentOS

character filtering child documents children aggregation circuit breaker, 2nd closing indices setting code plugins collect_mode setting compression parameter concurrency

count search type, 2nd cURL



date type date_histogram aggregation

date_range aggregation, 2nd DEB packages decay functions default analyzer

default mappings overview using with templates

denormalizing data

defined deleting members indexing overview pros and cons of querying representation of one-to-many relationship side to be denormalized

updating documents use cases for

many-to-many relationships one-to-many relationships


depth_first option derivatives DF (document frequency) dictionaries

did-you-mean suggesters overview

phrase suggester

candidate generators excluding suggestions based on criteria


using shingles field for scoring candidates

using smoothing models to score shingles

term suggester

choosing terms to be considered overview ranking suggestions directgenerator disable_dynamic option distance range aggregation distance_type parameter distributed scoring doc values, 2nd doc_count_error_upper_bound value document frequency. _See DF. dynamic mapping dynamic scripting


eager setting edge ngrams, 2nd ElasticHQ plugin

Elasticsearch Head Elasticsearch kopf elasticsearch-marvel plugin <em> tags email addresses env command exact matches exclude option execution modes execution setting exists filter, 2nd explain flag explaining score extended_stats aggregation, 2nd


facets fault detection field-data cache fields parameter field_value_factor function filter aggregation filter and field cache filtered queries fixed boost value fixed thread pool type flush thresholds forced allocation awareness force_source setting format option fragment_offset parameter fragment_size option, 2nd from field

fuzzy queries

defined performance


GC (garbage collector), 2nd geo polygon filter

geospatial data

adding distance to sort criteria

bounding boxes

filter and aggregate based on distance

distance range aggregation

distance range filter



geohash cell filter geohash grid aggregation overview points and distances between them

shape intersections

filtering overlapping shapes indexing shapes


global aggregation Groovy, 2nd, 3rd grouping results gt parameter gte parameter


Hadoop HDFS plugin half rule has_child filter, 2nd has_child query, 2nd has_parent filter, 2nd has_parent query, 2nd Head plugin, 2nd health command heap size

horizontal scaling

hot_threads API

hunspell token filter


_id field

ID, document, 2nd

IDF (inverse document frequency), 2nd, 3rd, 4th

include option include_in_all option include_in_parent option, 2nd include_in_root option, 2nd index key index.gc_deletes option index_analyzer option index_options setting, 2nd inexact matches initializing_shards value inner_hits option, 2nd --install parameter interval field inverse document frequency.

See IDF.

inverted indexing, 2nd ISO 8601 standard



JAVA_HOME environment variable

JRE (Java Runtime Environment)

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), 2nd


keyword analyzer keyword marker token filter keyword tokenizer Kibana

Kopf plugin, 2nd kstem filter


-l parameter lang setting language-specific analyzers least recently used.

See LRU.

length token filter letter tokenizer limit token count token filter --list parameter log aggregation logical layout logs, startup Logstash, 2nd lowercase tokenizer, 2nd LRU (least recently used), 2nd, 3rd lt parameter

lte parameter


many-to-many relationships Marvel plugin, 2nd master node match query and term filter match_all query, 2nd matched_fields option match_phrase query, 2nd match_phrase_prefix query Maven Central max_bytes_per_sec setting max_edits option max_errors option max_gram setting

MAX_MAP_COUNT variable max_merge_at_once setting max_merged_segment setting max_num_segments option MAX_OPEN_FILES variable max_score element max_shingle_size option max_term_freq option max_thread_count setting


allocation of cardinality aggregation and limiting use by field data merge policies

MergeMappingException metadata _mget endpoint min_doc_count option, 2nd min_doc_freq option min_gram setting minimum_master_nodes setting minimum_should_match setting min_shingle_size option missing aggregation

missing filter, 2nd, 3rd

MMapDirectory mmapfs value mode option

monitoring for bottlenecks

checking cluster health

CPU monitoring

hot_threads API slow index log slow logs slow query log

thread pools

memory monitoring

avoiding swap circuit breaker field-data cache filter and field cache heap size OS caches

store throttling

monitoring plugins






Sematext SPM

_mpercolate endpoint _msearch endpoint multi percolate API multi-bucket aggregations, 2nd multicast discovery multiget API multi_match query, 2nd, 3rd multisearch API multi-tenancy must clause must_not clause


near-real-time nested aggregation nested filter, 2nd nested query nested type


mapping and indexing

enabling cross-object matches include_in_parent option

include_in_root option overview overview

pros and cons of using

searches and aggregations on nested documents

aggregating scores of nested objects getting which inner document matched nested and reverse nested aggregations nested query and filter nested sorting performance considerations searching in multiple levels of nesting

niofs value

NIOFSDirectory node.master setting


adding to cluster discovering fault detection multicast discovery selecting master node unicast discovery removing from cluster upgrading

minimizing recovery time for restart


rolling restarts

no_match_size setting


not_analyzed setting, 2nd, 3rd number_of_fragments option, 2nd numeric type


object type

defined mapping and indexing overview pros and cons of using searching in objects offset option Okapi BM25 scoring method one-to-many relationships, 2nd one-to-one relationships, 2nd

OOP (ordinary object pointers)


optimistic concurrency control _optimize endpoint optimize_bbox filter or execution mode ordinary object pointers.

See OOP.

origin option

OutOfMemory exceptions OutOfMemoryError output_unigrams option over-sharding


paging performance _parent field, 2nd, 3rd

parent-child relationships

defined deleting documents indexing and retrieving mapping overview

pros and cons of using

searching in parent and child documents

children aggregation getting child documents in results has_child query and filter

has_parent query and filter overview updating child documents partial documents

path hierarchy tokenizer pattern analyzer pattern tokenizer, 2nd percentile_ranks aggregation, 2nd percentiles aggregation, 2nd _percolate endpoint percolate_format setting pessimistic concurrency control

phrase queries

intensive scoring for performance phrase_prefix query physical layout Plain Highlighter plane option porter_stem filter post filter Postings Highlighter post_tags option precision parameter precision_threshold parameter prefix filter, 2nd prefix queries, 2nd, 3rd prefix_length option pre_tags option


query rescoring query_and_fetch vs. query_then_fetch methods query_cache parameter query_string query query_weight parameter queue_size parameter


random_score function range filter range query, 2nd real_word_error_likelihood option Red Hat Linux refresh thresholds regexp filter registering queries regulatory compliance relocating_shards value --remove parameter replicas require_field_match setting rescore_query_weight parameter rescoring response, query


_restore command restoring from backups result grouping retry_on_conflict parameter reverse token filter reverse_nested aggregation rolling restarts routing values RoutingMissingException

RPM packages Rsyslog


scale option


adding nodes to cluster

aliases creating defined managing usefulness of

_cat API discovering nodes

fault detection multicast discovery selecting master node unicast discovery

removing nodes from cluster

routing documents

combining routing with aliases

configuring routing overview _search_shards API strategies

usefulness of strategies

maximizing throughput over-sharding

splitting data into indices and shards

upgrading nodes

minimizing recovery time for restart


rolling restarts scan search type schema-free scope, search _score field

score_mode option, 2nd

script filter script scoring scroll parameter _search endpoint search_analyzer option _search_shards API search_type setting

segments, Lucene

defined flush thresholds merge policies MMapDirectory NIOFSDirectory overview refresh thresholds store throttling segments_per_tier setting Sematext SPM plugin set command shard query cache shard-based allocation


mapping types and segments and

splitting data into shingles, 2nd shingles token filter should clause, 2nd show_term_doc_count_error setting significant terms, 2nd simple analyzer simple_query_string query site plugins size field sloppy_arc option slow index log slow logs slow query log smoothing models snapshot API snowball analyzer snowball filter Solr sort option _source field, 2nd, 3rd, 4th split brain scenario standard analyzer standard token filter standard tokenizer startup logs statistics stats aggregation, 2nd


algorithmic defined with dictionaries overriding stemming from token filter stop analyzer stop token filter store option store throttling, 2nd string type Stupid Backoff algorithm suggest element


synonym token filter


tags_schema setting term dictionary term frequency.

See TF. term frequency-inverse document frequency scoring method.

See TF-IDF scoring method. term query, 2nd, 3rd term statistics term vectors terms aggregation example using

overview significant terms terms to include in reply uses for terms filter _termvector endpoint testing

TF (term frequency), 2nd, 3rd, 4th

TF-IDF (term frequency-inverse document frequency) scoring method, 2nd, 3rd, 4th TFIDFSimilarity class thread pools throughput, maximizing time to live.

See TTL.

timestamps token indexing token key


breaking text into tokens keyword

letter lowercase path hierarchy pattern standard UAX URL email whitespace top_hits aggregation transactions support trigrams trim token filter truncate token filter

TTL (time to live) _type field typos


UAX URL email tokenizer

_uid field

unassignedshards count, 2nd underscore ( ) unicast discovery unique token filter unregistering queries

_update endpoint

--url parameter URL-based requests


versioning version_type option vertical scaling visualization


wait_for_completion flag wait_for_merge setting warmers, 2nd website addresses weight function whitespace analyzer whitespace tokenizer wildcard queries, 2nd with_positions_offsets setting


YAML (YAML Ain’t Markup Language)